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The Valley of the King

23.05.07 | David Kartaš, @, další tvorba | 1870 x | vypínač

The Valley of the King

By David Kartaš

In Yathoia,Amanenk and Suiday,within Amalga-Manaation,none would ever show a passer-by the road that lead to The Valley of the King.For every month on the same night,unearthly screaming coverred all the land of Amalga-Manaation,that lied on the nearly sunken continent of Yothoi,that was kept above the waters by the tireless chanting of the never-resting priests in the countles monasteries at the ever crumbling shores, and reports have been gathered that this ever-echoing catatonic onomatopoeia was heard in such distant places as the Living city of Aiwaidan the Magnificent,Hor­muzd‚s  City and the twin Cities of Caledonia and Nefrit.
Two hundred thousand years ago great King Yban of Ayko-I,(witchs ruins now lie below the waters of the Grey Sea,and serve as homes for those faceles water mamals that have been said to have inhabited Yothoi in times before it rose from the ocean (as evidenced by the findings of their great,hideous monoliths in the central places of the continent,bearing their horrific script with its blasphemous hyeroglyphs,and inhuman characters with sugestions of such unearthly terrors beyond all and every creatures living mind, that their reading itself was baned by every sane king in all Yothoi and all the lands close to Yothoi) and who are reported to be the reason for the sinking of the continent through the insane fraze of impending doom,silabelled as „Yaghnai“, „Yadith,“ „Nagara‘i“, and „Qa-a Adomam“, (witch one night,unremem­borable years ago an old sailor has thought to have overheard from within the depths and was so fascinated therewith that he emidiately went to his priest and had it recorded), although this remains unproven,for conversation with theese creatures is absolete,for they poses no voice,and comunicating with them through their scripture was proven imposible,exept by one man,who sixty thousand years ago,has said to have, in secrecy ,deciphered their script,after years of staring at their horific stone-carven head statues,fished out by unknowing fishers at Yothois shores and who claimed such blasphemies as that theese creatures were in descent from the things of horrible Ib,that escaped the slaughter witch had ended that city and spread though secret,unknown channels bellow the earths surfice and had traveled to far away lands,bearing with them the images of acursed Bokrug and teaching blasphemous men around great water reservoirs the secret chants to the Great-Water Lizard and the ancient secrets of Ib‚s  foundati­on.One night,this man went to his king,bearing a ruber-like papyrus,bearing their re-writen messages,and is said to have translated to the Monarch its content,upon witch the King is reported to have gone insane and ran franticly into the sea,screaming:
„King,Ayun,bear this blaspheming child of Tir back into sweet Ralliah“.A  thou­sand men had raced into the sea to save their beloved despot,but he has disapeared so quickly, that every help has been too late,as Omankar III. sunk beneath the ways,laughing horibly.One young boy, who was the closest to the King before he vanished,has later reported that the King was not alone in the watres and that something had draged him into the sea by the leg.
However in those days but a few ship-men knew of the things that sometimes come from acursed Ralliah,or from its sister cities below the world and so the young man was dismised.They said that the shock of losing their great, generous king has caused him to lose his mind.
Whatever had truly been,none knoweth now,but what was was that the man who read his parchment to the king was brought before the stone circle and horribly sacrificed to lord Rankar,the guardian god of Yothoi,stil holding his acursed tome.When on the next night the priests came to cover the body of the deceased with tainted earth o  stop the spreading of the horrible smell that would soon rise from the Temple of revenge,the holliest of Yothois temple (as his body could not be removed until his soul would be forever imprisoned in the stones) they found the skinless,eyles and organless corpse,however they found not the parchment,even when they look in all places,and that night the corpses features had,through some ironic turn of fate,obtained,a­cording to the laws decomposition,a faint change of expresion witch somehow closely resembled a smile.) had raised a militairy power of such greatnes,as Yothoi has never witnessed before.The King of Yathoia,Amanenk and Suiday,as well as the Kings of Fahazreda,Yü,Mokkai and Soth,all within Yothoi,and now below the oceans,all joined thi campaign as well as the soldiers of the King of the stone giants,who inhabited the South of Yothoi and who lived in their cities then as twenty thousand years before,when almost all their land had sunk.Yet they were in no need of air and so could live undisturbed,fig­hting of feeble atacks of the sea mamals,who wished to take their lands as their own.
And so this army marched for the goal witch the king foresaw, the obliteration of the nameles menace thas has for so long tormented all the living things on Yothoi.And so they marched and every day at night they blew the angoth-horn,from the horns of the water-bizon, witch clang so greatly,that it was heard even by departing ships on nearby islands.For a month and a day they marched,and for forty one days clang the reverberations of the angoth-horn,yet on the forty second night,not a sound had come and the next day the screamings had come once more,this time however people in Yathoia,Amanenk and Suiday,as well as in Fahazreda,Yü,Mokkai and Soth and the dimensionless capital of the Stone Giants,people had fancied that amongst the multilocular throng of shrieking voices they could distinguish the voices of their ruling kings.
After forty one further days did the only survivors,the stone giants,return.Once mighty and proud wariors,they had now draged their soul-less bodies along the woods back into their lands,and once there,speaking of what they saw in secrecy to the council of elders,who had comed to reign in place of the absent king,and on that day it was decided that they stone giants shall live in the water no more,from the reason only the vetearans of that indescribable war knew, yet witch not even torture could bring to reveal (for the new King thought that they had left the old to die and wished to learn the „true“ secret of his perdition) .They only thing they ever said was right before they died on the rack,a small note saying:
„The King took the Mystery from Hyades and hid it in the valley.And on the door behind witch it lies he wrote his message and invitation.“
Yet before they went,they brought from Yothoi‘s  seaports curious stones with strange markings,reportedly ordered from the horrible stone villiages of Leng,and took them down into the deep.
Thus ended the expedition of King Yban,into the land witch the surviving stone giants have come to name The Valley of the King.

Four milion years in the meantime past,in the land of waking and dreaming alike.Forgoten Hyperborea rose and fell,True Mu had been and sunk and the new Mu had taken its place and stil Yothoi rose above the waters,yet every year less and less remained of this proud continent,who in lenght far out-numbered the Empiere of Hangey and the Dynasty that followed,the land to whom the Everlasting Empiere fell as a tributary,and witch even the High Priests of Sarnath did come to bless,before that horrible night, a thousandth in succession.

Then on the eve of William the illegitimate,the last ship left the last port of Yothoi,witch already began to fill up with water.
As they sailed of,the last 800  souls who fought their way aboard the ship,they met many vesels to whom theirs was a giant.As they heard the frenzy of the sailors of the smaller ships,they sighed,remembering the tales of Yothoi in its prime,when a ship such as theirs would be but a rowboat compared to those of the merchant ports.Then they met Him.He sailed on the seas,silent and malevolent,on a small boat made of a tree.He looked to them and upon his face they saw who he was.And when he spoke,he read aloud a parchement that he held in his left hand.And when the first words were uttered,they realised that what he held was the text of that forgotten blasphemer,who had murdered King Omankar.And they runed around and tried not to hear and when they found they could not they sat around and wept for their own sanity.But then one rose and began to fight and more and more begant to do so as the document was read,until all had shared the coming blooshed.Mother killed son,brother killed brother,man killed woman.Soon,the waters around the ship turned violet with the liquid of war,to the lenght that some had jumped from board to drink its esence,when he could no longer find an open neckt o  feast on.And as even the insane prefer the shorter way to their utmost desired goal,there jumped not one but a dozen and then two and three,until at lenght the ship became barren.When he who had read alloud saw this,he hid away the question of Hastur and turned his ship toward Albion,the place of his exile.

Yet on board there remained one alive who had come to know the message.And when he woke to full counsciousnes,he turned the wheel and made course into the home he had so vulgarly deserted.When at last the ship had reached where the port once once,there peared aloft the trees witch stood within the Valley.He laid the ankor (for the ship was made to be manned even by a single man) and set about to walk amongst theese places,as no man has ever done afore,and walking toward the great circular temple in the sky,had read the message on the gate and knowing now the answer,spoke aloud,walked within and became one with the Mystery of the Hyades.

The son of the Nameless Emperor,who himself was born son of Y'ackei,smiled,lau­ghing how their war was ended with what it began,making the loss of their empiere a humorous joke.About this he rejoiced as he entered the Williams castel and sat behind the veil.

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