22.03.08 | David Kartaš, @, další tvorba | 2803 x | vypínač
A man there lived,of whom I know,god knows how I avail
To tell the tale,of how this man,lived in his merry way.
He came from states at Northern lakes and often did he say
„Nor beast nor man,nor thing twice damned,a hand upon him may
lay in wait to slay his Great,as he would often call.
Be on your watch,he said,or scotch,i tell this to you all.“
He hunted in the shermans wood,oh lord if I only may
To avail to say,how he there stood,and gaspeth upon his prey
He took the bones,and made them tools,for play and for his kin,
He threw them to the dogs he did,with many a merry sing
He took the skin and cut it deep,while hanging on a pole,
He made it reek,five feet around,his all-dreaded dome
He took the blood,and made it rise,for lamb or bear or newborn child,
He treausured as a prise
He cut and filled his lonely tub,and did within it bathe
And none who came and saw him thus,could scarcely be as brave
To but a word of acusition breathe,when they remember stil,
How this one man,silent as a lamb,poured blood out to his kin
They said he came then to his bed and a great night there would lie
As though he knew ,not beast or prey,could ever make him die
And often times,through lonely skies,great cries were heard anew
This old man then,was told in spite,to oft amongst them brew
He cried his words in lonely tongues
No ears could ever stand
And a damn horrid sight it was
For one who did be there a-strand‘
This befel one John Canine,from Albertstown,was sure
He came to town,to look for work,to work there was his due
But at no doors did they lend him oars,listen to him at all
For all there feared that him from the breed, of that strange man „of the fall“
For at many times,so lonely sights,some strange men often came
To see the man,whom they all damned,but did not dare him shame
They draged about,all torn and out of them their spirits came
As if they had naught left,but to spread HIS fame
And often did they come anon and strange there sounds did come
And the old man then would go to bed,while the other was surely gone
And none had seen him take his leave,though all had see him enter
And all knew well there was no hope,when steped bellow that shelter
And all did fear that ancient man,who God himself forgot
For a wretch as great as he,could surely not be wrought
From conciounsce of the Lord above,nor did he ever stray
Into the church,bellow the cross,nor did he ever pray
And long his nails and filled with dirt,
And mud and sudd upon him lay,upon his bloodied shirt
Surely he was a dirty man,by body and by soul
But none ere dared to speak alloud,the wish of people all
That ancient man then did there live,so long as I do know
And not a trace of dying grace ever apeared upon his brow
He would often sit at Gorman’s lake and often would he call
At night to frogs,at day to snakes,for sure he loved them all
And his kin they were,all men did think,
For surely this old man
No earthly drink
Could ever waste,to such a horrid damn
But this man Canine knew him not
And came to him to plea
He surely did nor know
What beyond those doors did rott
But when he cried,oh lord,he pried, the door full and a jar
And he found the man there huddled stil,within his hands a jar
And there within a heart stil beating,as that it was yet in bloom
The youngster froze,while in his blood,the anger made to boom
And he took a shovel from the ground and battered with all his might
And he killed the man all did fear,and rid us of his might
But ere he could dipose the corpse,the corpse upon him lay,and hands did grasp upon his throat,in many a hideous way
And the young man did tear the corpse,yet stil it at him blew,till all at lenght,at sixteen eight
His soul all from him flew
And the man who was the corpse ,there erect did stand and to me he did oustretch his utter horrid hand
„Listen man,whether wise or damned be ye
hear my tale,so full of ave,of dreadfull melanchony
I was a man who lived in pain and in anger God did spurn,
Then from the heavens came a sound and its voice upon me burn
And from the voice I knew full well ANOTHER God did speak
Then ever Milton dared record,within his master-streak
And HE spoke to me,who was ye Pan
And made me do his will
For one hundred years I was to do ill
And by his vision peigned
And if I shall then at a time,
Uncertain at all acords,to me and all of mine,
Slay him who would afore slay me,
Then surely the wretched I
Would be free from this mine rhyme
And surely as was said,free for all of time
And secrets great and monstrosely bread
He would show me beneath the sea
But how my heart now acheth with
A stern melancholy
For I shallt never see again
A human face drawn near
All I shall now at all times behold
There at all be a thousandfold
Strange things within the rear
And to those lands
Where a city stands
sunken bellow the sea
I shall be hauled
And shall maraud
Ye great eternal deep
Then with this,ye fearfull wretch
Hear me whilst I speak
My parting song to all mankind,whom long I have despised
And know ye reek, that with your eyes
You never shall see me part.“
And with this the man did fell
And there he lay in heaps
And soon it came upon the folk
To burn that house of tears
And wood they gathered all around
But when that house did smoke
We hear all around a smouldering sound
As of a soul thath be not smothe
And riseth from Hell to lands beyond
The grasp of which I sure have not
But which itself shall master soon
And reign without a doubt.
realita sobota fantasy vztah ... .. x tma osud antilistí láska zklamání smrt vyznání marnost noc mládí čas horor svoboda vztahy povídka cesta podzim beznaděj momentka nenávist pocit sex deprese samota erotika život aa krev pocity sen * horror poezie zima vzpomínka město zoufalství . temnota příroda les žena voľný verš touha emoce srdce strach naděje smutek humor přetvářka hrůza haiku jen tak bolest
Nokturno je místem pro všechny milovníky fantasie, dobrého počtení a rozumné rozpravy.
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